
World Fair Trade Day

Just a quick note to let you all know that this Saturday is world fair trade day. Now would be a great time to learn more about fair trade or to make an effort to buy more fair trade products or to encourage some of the companies you give your money to to offer more fairly traded goods.
If you're looking for something to do this weekend head over to Roh's Street for their Fair Play Fest. These guys not only brew and sell fair trade but they are directly involved with the community of Santa Maria de Jesus in Guatelmala. They will be unveiling the first micro-crop from the farmers of Santa Maria. What a great opportunity to see what you're supporting when you support Roh's Street. Stop by and I guarantee that Les will make you an amazing cappucinno. Saturday nights music includes one of my local fav's, For Algernon. If you're lucky maybe Jason will rock out on the ukelele.
For more info check out their website...www.rohsstreetcafe.com
I wish I could be there!


lets stone him said...

We'll do a round of shots for ya. Thanks for the plug.

Unknown said...

i guess i'll have to bust out that song from the jerk that night and tiny bubbles