
What is a blog anyway?

I have generally stayed away from blogging with the belief that they are simply structured environments for exhibitionists to well...exhibit, and exist merely as a breeding ground for narcissism. So one would ask, being that I am in the process of blogging, am I an exhibitionist or maybe a bit narcissistic?
I am choosing to believe that when there is an overall objective or purpose to this type of public journaling such judgements can not be made. My purpose in all of this is to share my adventures in coffee land. I have been accused of late of being a boring blogger, not posting anything. And folks just to clear things up that's because I am still here in good ol' Cincy.
However, the countdown has begun and if you are following along we are at 13 days before I leave you for the land of hibiscus, and mango, and macadamia nuts, and kava, and snorkeling, and lava...oh yeah, and coffee.


Anonymous said...

Hi Meg! Yeah for coffee, and fair and direct pricing to farmers! I think you are on such a great path in life, and I hope that your hard work and consciousness will pay off in the development of a better society. Humanity needs more people like you!

I'll be watching your blog; have a great time and learn things you can teach after your return!


Cincinnati NAMjA said...

I am glad that you have overlooked the pitfalls of blogging and decided to chronicle your trip via this form....i look forward to reading! Have a kick ass time!